Friday, January 1, 2010

    The Saddest Story Love Has Ever Told

    “When you’re dreaming with a broken heart/ The waking up is the hardest part/ You roll outta bed and down on your knees/ And for the moment you can hardly breathe/ Wondering was she really here?/ Is she standing in my room?/ No she’s not, ‘cause she’s gone” - John Mayer, Dreaming With A Broken Heart

    Once upon a time, there lived a boy and a girl. They were very much in love. No matter what life threw at them, they faced it together - hand in hand, heart with heart - and their love for each other grew stronger by the day. They were inseparable.

    One day, the boy asked the girl to marry him. Being so in love, that was the only thing left to do. The girl looked at the boy and said: “I will marry you, but you must first prove your love to me. You have to live a day without me.”

    The boy was shocked. Even though he knew it would be hard for him to do, hesitantly, the boy agreed. He knew that he love her enough to prove that he can live one day without her. They have been through thick and thin, and the boy knew that 24 hours is not much of a hurdle for them.

    The next day, the boy went to her house with a ring and a rose. But she wasn’t there. Instead, the girl’s mother greeted him, and with tears in her eyes, told the boy that the girl passed away the night before. Little did the boy know, the day the boy proposed to the girl, she found out that she has only 24 hours to live because she was ill. She loved him too much to let him see her go.

    The mother handed the boy a letter written by the girl. He broke down after reading the letter. The letter read:

    “You did it, my love. You can live without me. Now, I want you to do this everyday. I will miss you and I will always love you.”


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