Monday, January 11, 2010

    If I Wasn't A Writer...

    Remember when you were younger, and you see a policeman or a doctor on TV, you turn to your mom and say, "Mommy, when I grow up, I wanna be a policeman". Or you when you see Superman on TV, you dream of becoming Superman? Of course, everyone wants to be Superman, but surviving a ten-storey fall is another story lah. 

    Believe it or not, when I was younger, I never thought of becoming a writer. In fact, it was my mom who chose my major in college. It wasn't until my second year in university that I realised I wanted to do advertising, but it was too late to make a U-turn that time. Not to say I don't like writing - I heart writing! - but when I was younger, I thought of becoming a lot of things - the White Power Ranger being one :P

    So, if I wasn't a writer, I would most probably be...

    1) A doctor, a policeman or a lawyer 
    Ask any little boy: it is an unwritten rule that they MUST become either a) a doctor b) a policeman or c) a lawyer when they grow up. I wasn't any different. But the older you got, you realised that a) you are too broke to pursue medicine b) being a policeman means you eat bread every end of the month and c) you get so fed up arguing with your girlfriend, you don't wanna argue for a living anymore.

    Sorry la, the closest picture I have got that looks like a lawyer

    2) A comic artist
    Here's a less known fact: when I was in Standard Six, I bought myself a thirty page, big notebook and I drew a Power Rangers (yes, I was a big fan back then) comic book complete with my own story line and new characters. I love drawing when I was younger, I used to spend hours and hours drawing stuff like Godzilla, Ultraman and of course, the Power Rangers. But too bad my love for drawing grew out with age. 

    Something I drew using my phone in the train. Cute, right?

    3) A professional basketball player
    Like they say: if you wanna get rich, play some sort of ball. (Note: ball is singular, so no jokes about playing with balls, OK people?)

    4) A travel host
    I like traveling, meeting new people, see cool stuff and acting all crazy at some other people's country. The sad part? I'm too broke to go traveling. The best part? As a travel host, you get PAID for enjoying yourself. Because I'm in the entertainment line, I might still be able to become a travel host (hopefully!). So wish me luck =) 

    5) An actor or a singer
    They say Geminis make good actors or singers but actors don't necessary make good Geminis (wtf!!). I guess me being a Gemini means that I like being in the center of attention, and there's no better way to do that than being an actor or a singer. I used to be quite an entertainer when I was younger, but the older I grew, I shy already. 

    6) Professional prostitute tester
    Never mind.

    She is not one, by the way.


    But after all that's said and done, I still prefer writing stuff like this for you guys to read! =) 


    |i|i said...

    huahahaha....i like this post :D

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